Founder Friday: Stratasan – Update
We started our Founder Friday posts on LinkedIn before finally starting our blog. Back in May 2021, we featured Nashville startup Stratasan. Here is what we posted…
This Founder Friday, we’re sharing a post highlighting lessons learned from the co-founder of Stratasan, Brian Dailey.
Stratasan recently celebrated their 10th year being in business, a huge accomplishment for any tech startup. Brian reflects on what he and co-founder Jason Moore learned over the past 10 years in his recent blog post…
– What he knows now that he wishes he knew then
– If he’d do it all over again
– Other tidbits learned
Congrats to the Stratasan team on reaching the 10-year milestone.
Daily Technology: Ten Years at Stratason: A Retro (Brian’s blog)
Well, we’ve got an exciting update to share. Jason, Brian, and the Stratasan family announced their recent acquisition by Syntellis Performance Solutions (link to Stratasan’s announcement).
That is 11 years of grinding, 11 years of scaling, 11 years of pitching, and 11 years of being on the startup rollercoaster. Congratulations, Jason and Brian!
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
— Colin Powell
*Image Source: Daily Technology